Tuesday, June 22, 2021

sex on the beach

My head
Melts in the sand
As I hear the vibration 
Of the 
Waves running back and forth
The frothy foam
of precum in 

salty lips
And sand
In aforementioned places
Hands grind
Them into

My thighs

And just grazing
An ass

You raise my legs
And push
In tandem w/
The wave


Air rushes out of my mouth

Your eyes 
Are the sun

But I stare straight into them

Dark hands, tan palms
Nipple coated
With sand

Then a stream
Of creamy, white liquid

Onto hot skin 

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

may reading

I did a reading with Masakhane Center on the 28th! It was fun! I learned of many exciting artists that I will list here. Another exciting thing about the reading was that I actually read through all of what I wanted to- I didn't hold back! :)

Here are the cool people:

Marina Carreira

After she read, I knew I wanted to buy her books. 

I loved her disembodied pussy poems!

you can follow her @savethebathwater on instagram

Patricia Cortado

Shared poetry that was beautifully woven together and also her work as an activist for Newark in protecting the water and stopping Newark from being a dumping ground.

see her work @cleanwaterforNewark on instagram

Radio Decay

Parsons is someone I worked with during my Masakhane internship, and I did not know he could sing! He has a great voice and is part of a group called Radio Decay.

I highly suggest checking them out on bandcamp at radiodecay.bandcamp.com

Rather Be Giraffes

We were also treated to a recorded performance by Rather Be Giraffes that was beautiful and intricate. They are an all gender a capella group from Brandeis University that I hope to hear more songs from.

Lastly, The IZM, (certainly not least) dj'd and he had me dancing my ass off when the camera wasn't on, but I was a little shy when it was on. It's hard to describe how beautiful what The IZM gave and is! I recommend checking him out and you can follow his instagram @the_izm3000

There was also a slam poet who was tearing it up, but sadly, I do not have where you can find him! His name was Adam. You can still check out the recorded performance on Masakhane's instagram @masakhane.

And shout out to Ally, an ineffably fabulous person and artist who did some fundraising art. Follow them @sobgoblindraws, please! And shout out to JV, a beautiful person who was our host! You can follow JV @jvulva :D (highly recommended)

Morning Sex