Monday, November 23, 2020

removing my ass hair

I'm in 
The bathroom
Trying to 
Remove the hair

that clings
like little fingers

I simply 
release their grasp

Which I wish
I could do with other things

like the past

to me.

My hair is dense
Now; soft, too

My ass is a tight fist;
I let no man in.

I'm scared
Of regret
And being stuck with
I can't take back.

In contrast,
I'm trying to remove
The hair
to make room
for someone

And that someone 
I may share my 
Secrets with

So I don't 
Have to bear them alone

And I become 
More comfortable with myself; I
find comfort 
In them, too

I have let a secret grow like weeds
Creating a barrier
Between me and another

I see vines
from an arbor

I pass through
and step into 
the garden 

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

??? (audio)


Morning Sex