Saturday, June 29, 2019


I cock my head towards him
Till he can't stand it

both buttocks and hips

Politely standing,
With his hands behind his back

above his head
around my shoulders,
on my head

Tuesday, June 25, 2019



the top says

And I’m standing

In the center 

As I


The engine purr 

As I 

Find my seat 

I relax my head 

Feeling safe

And horny

Laying it


Letting the pleasure

Roll over me 

I close 

my eyes


A business meeting letting


And a man next 

to me 

On the bus

Spreading his legs -

The driver can’t see, 

but I can -

How good it looks.

His big hands

In a suit

inching closer

Touching me 

w/ my consent

gently guiding me

To sit on 

His lap 

(The driver 

only looking periodically 

in the glass)

I’m gyrating

On top


This ugly


As we’re flashing thru



ting really in-

to it,


my hand

on his face…

A trine

Of light 

Bursts Into

The sky from our sublime 


We blow

the roof off this 


Wednesday, June 5, 2019


Inspired by the song, "The Erotic Book" by Mr. Twin Sister and also lots, and lots of porn.

Dedicated to all those who want to have sex, but can't for any reason, the poetry in this chapbook aims to give sexual ease at will by simply reading.

I  think  it's  so  hot  how 
you  stroke  just  the  tip/  near  the  top 
Grip  tighter  and  tighter,  and 
lightly  switch  your  nipples  between  two  fingers 
eyes  closed,  head  back,  mouth  open

      - "Rubbing Nipples"

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Pumping Gas at 12 am

A whole empty lot,
and another car pulls up to
the pump next to me.

I walk in
to pay with cash

they stay outside -
standing out
there, waiting
for me...
gives me a look

it is a warm spring night.

Both of us fueling
side by side -
he hearing my

keys and
door slam with
just the right
of roughness

I see him through
the cracks;
standing with one
foot up,
crotch open
a hand in
his pocket -
looking at me

but I get into my car
and drive away, fast

Morning Sex